Friday, April 5, 2013

Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome ... It Happens!

Abdominal Cramps, OHSS

I apologize for the delay on this post. It has now been a few weeks since my post egg retrieval procedure and I can safely say that I am 100% back to normal with my hormones and body. The bloating has now subsided and I only have my laziness to blame for my muffin top and lack of six pack abs. I do want to address a serious topic that is rarely talked about at the doctor's office when considering the egg freezing process: Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome. There are different levels of it, and it happens more often than some doctors surmise. I have heard that OHSS impacts at a mild / moderate level about 15 - 25% of all egg retrieval patients. I was in that % that got it and for a period of 24 hours I thought I might die and was immobile. I could only go back and forth to the bathroom and was in extreme abdominal pain and looked about three months pregnant. I went from being constipated to having the runs. Gatorade and Immodium were my saviors.

The symptoms and formal definition of OHSS is described below.  Click here to read more.